Baikal Teal
Baikal Teal
Baikal Teal
Baikal Teal
Baikal Teal

Baikal Teal

The Baikal Teal is among the most attractive of all the dabblers thanks to its distinctive head pattern. Even though roving specimens have been found in Europe, the USA (especially Alaska), and Australia, this bird is native to the Far East and breeds in Eastern Siberia before migrating south for the winter to southern China and Japan. Being a very gregarious animal, they spend the winter in large flocks that may number in the hundreds or even thousands. In the early years of this century, there was a great deal of worry about dwindling numbers, but fortunately, populations appear to have recovered, and it is no longer classified as vulnerable on the IUCN red list.

Baikal Teal Specifications

Baikal Teal ID

The Baikal Teal, formerly thought to be one of the hardest ducks to produce in captivity, is now well established and readily accessible, and both blonde and silver varieties are offered. Despite the fact that the drake grows into his breeding plumage in October, it takes another three months for the tips of the feathers on his head and neck to fade away and fully display the beauty of the magnificent pattern.

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