

There is a good likelihood that mallards are involved if someone is giving bread to ducks in a park. Mallards are one of the most recognizable duck species and may be found in ponds, parks, and more natural wetlands and estuaries throughout North America and Eurasia. The most distinguishable duck is the male, who has a sparkling green head, gray sides, and a black tail-curl. Many domestic ducks are descended from mallard species, which have long been hunted for food.
Mallards may congregate in your backyard if there is a pond or marshy region on your property. Mallards have been known to appear in swimming pools on occasion.

Mallard Specifications

Mallard ID

Look for mallards in the parks in your neighbourhood or in the suburbs, where they are probably taking food from people. Visit a local lake or pond if you want to observe them in a more natural environment; mallards are probably the ducks you see most regularly there.

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Any Questions about Mallard